Seven signs you may need an interior designer
Want to improve your space but you’re not sure whether you should engage an interior designer? Here's seven telltale signs to look out for that may indicate working with an interior designer could be right for you.
1) The space feels off
You look around and know that the space isn't working, but you're not sure why. Perhaps you’ve tried and tested a few things out already and weren’t happy with the results, or maybe you don’t even know where to get started! You need help identifying opportunities to make changes and knowing what steps to take to implement them.
2) Life stage change
As we get older or our situation changes, so too do our needs and the requirements of our living and working environments. When you're transitioning into a new life stage you want to create a space that feels aligned and expansive. Your space should address your current needs, and also provide room for growth and changes you’re wanting to make into the future. Some examples, to name a few:
Moving out of home
Moving in with new roommates or a partner
Starting a family, or growing your family
Relocating somewhere new
Starting a different career, a business or transitioning to a new working rhythm (e.g. full-time remote work)
Kids that are getting older and outgrowing their existing rooms
3) analysis paralysis
You're constantly browsing online, visiting furniture stores, scrolling through inspirational images and bouncing between ideas. While you’re excited and know you want to make changes, you're feeling overwhelmed with the number of options available, struggle to execute and can't make decisions to move forward.
4) clashing opinions
If you live alone or have the exact same style as the people you live with this may not resonate with you, but for the majority of us clashing or differing opinions can be the source of a lot of frustration and stagnation in the design process. You're struggling to find a way to meet the differing needs and tastes of everyone who occupies the space - your partner, your roommates, kids or colleagues - all who have their own tastes, priorities and points of view.
Clashing opinions can be a design nightmare for some, but with a balanced and intentional approach it is possible to create a space that considers everyone’s needs.
5) lack of clarity
You know you want to refresh or transform your space, but you have no idea where to start. You’re unclear on your style, functionality needs and requirements and don’t have defined goals and outcomes to guide you along the way. You need support in refining your vision, summarising your style, setting goals and objectives and coming up with an actionable plan to get you from A to B.
6) no time to execute
Life is busy and time marches on. Sometimes it feels like the weeks and months are over in a blink of an eye. One day it’s March, the next it’s August! You know your space has great potential, but you're too busy to find inspiration, pull together a plan and spend hours researching options and making selections, let alone executing the entire thing.
7) big vision
You have a big vision in mind. You're clear on how you want to feel in the space and have curated lots of beautiful sources of inspiration but you need some extra support translating this into an actionable plan and bringing it to life.
Can you relate to any of these?
If you need a helping hand and want to explore ways to refresh or transform your space get in touch to schedule your free 15 minute discovery call.